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Sale Auction

A built in sale auction for pyros.


You can get pyro in auctions, bid on them, or start your own auction to sell your pyro

Bidding on a pyro

  • Here you can see a list of all Pyros are auctioning at the moment, or you can use the filter


  • Select the Pyro you want to bid, and see the details: - Minimun Bid - Current Bid - Bidding End, it is the time on your local browser


  • Do bid


  • Put the amount of MRX you want to bid


  • If you are the highest bid when the Bidding End finish, you can claim your new pyro


  • If you are outbid and the auction is still active, you can do a highest bid, or do withdraw if you want


Create sale auction

You can create your own sale auction to sell your Pyro

  • Do Create Sale Auction in auction section or in the Pyro you want to sell



  • Confirm the pay fee, and wait for confirmation

  • Fill the form


  • Beneficiary Address - The address to receive the winning bid, or the Pyro if there were no bidders.
  • Minimum Price - The minimum starting bid for the auction
  • Bidding Time - The amount of time in seconds to run the auction. Recommended minimum is 1200 seconds (20 minutes) (~13 blocks).
  • Note: Auctions that are bid on cannot be ended until the bidding time expires.